Establishing of Cancer Mission Hubs: Networks and Synergies
1 May 2023 - 31 May 2026

ECHoS project aims to support the implementation of Cancer Mission activities in all Member States and Associated Countries (MS/AC) by establishing and developing national, regional, and local Cancer Mission Hubs by engaging stakeholders across the cancer landscape, from individuals to European Institutions, national authorities, regulators, industry, patient organizations, and academia.
Project description
The goal of ECHoS is to help all Member States and Associated Countries (MS/AC) carry out Cancer Mission activities. These will form a cohesive future EU Network of NCMHs, aligned with the Cancer Mission and the EBCP.
The broad scope of ECHoS seeks to extend cancer-policy dialogues beyond research and innovation and health systems, to include other important areas of cancer control and support, such as employment, education, and socioeconomic aspects. ECHoS will be guided by Cancer Mission impacting subareas such as prevention, early detection and treatment, quality of life, and survivorship, as well as equity, sustainability, and cross-cutting EU priorities such as social engagement and digital health.
The goal is to build a strong and cohesive network that is in line with the Mission on Cancer and Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan.
ECHoS has established the following broad and specific goals:
- Encourage the establishment of National Cancer Mission Hubs in MS/AC.
- Establish a network of support to further the Cancer Mission throughout Europe.
- Creating synergies for the Cancer Mission’s implementation with other European initiatives toward a “Cancer in all” approach.
- Develop a business continuity and operations model framework to lay the groundwork for a European network of NCMHs.
Funding programme & Type of Action
Funding programme : Horizon Europe
Type of action : Coordination & Support Action (CSA)
Grant agreement number : 101104587
Project duration
3 years
Number of countries involved : 28
Number of participants : 57