European Federation for Cancer Images
1 January 2023 - 31 January 2027

The European Federation for CAncer IMages (EUCAIM) is the cornerstone of the European Commission’s European Cancer Imaging Initiative. It aims to promote innovation and the deployment of digital in cancer treatment and care to achieve more precise and faster clinical decision making, diagnostics, treatment and predictive medicine for cancer patients.
Project description
EUCAIM project came from the need for using Artificial Intelligence (AI) and medical imaging data, that is still dispersed and fragmented throughout Europe, to advance the field of cancer diagnosis and treatment.
The project brings together five previously funded projects of the Artificial Intelligence for Health Imaging (AI4HI) project cluster, each of which was focused on a distinct area of AI and cancer images.
The EUCAIM project is uniquely positioned to create and deploy a robust and unified research infrastructure that will accelerate the development and implementation of AI-driven cancer diagnosis and treatment solutions, ultimately improving patient outcomes across Europe. This will be achieved by combining their resources, expertise, research efforts, real-world achievements, and key players.
Funding programme & Type of Action
Funding programme : Digital Europe
Type of action : Action Grant
Grant agreement number : 101100633
Project duration
4 years