
JA PreventNCD

1 January 2024 - 31 December 2027

PreventionCancerhealth determinantsnon-communicable diseasespreventionEU4Health2024

Joint Action PreventNCD aims to reduce cancer and NCD burden by supporting prevention policies and assessing their effectiveness across Europe.

Project description

This Joint Action represents an ambitious effort of the European Commission and participating countries to provide strategic guidance, reduce fragmentation and enhance the impact of actions within the field of cancer and NCDs prevention, to ultimately contribute to reduced burden of cancer and other NCDs and inequity across Europe. The Joint Action includes more than 100 partners from 25 European countries (22 Member States plus Iceland, Norway and Ukraine), and it aligns with the objectives of Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan and the ‘Healthier Together – EU NCD Initiative’.

Specific objectives of JA PreventNCD are:

  • to improve joint capacities of Member States to plan and implement cancer and NCD prevention policies and activities at national, regional, and local level
  • to improve data and monitoring system for cancer and NCDs and their common risk factors
  • to contribute to reduced social inequalities in cancer and NCDs
  • to engage with key actors in the field of cancer and NCD prevention, including decision makers, civil society organizations, professionals, the general population, and patients’ groups.

To achieve these objectives, the consortium analyse opportunities for implementing evidence-based intersectoral policies for preventing cancer and NCDs, and implement pilot studies which will serve as a basis to scale-up best practices, including both population-based and targeted prevention efforts to promote healthy living. In addition, the consortium monitor cancer and NCD mortality and morbidity, exposure to common risk factors, cost of NCD and cancer care, and the impact of health promotion and disease prevention efforts both at a personal and societal level.

Funding programme & Type of action

Funding programme : EU4Health Programme
Type of action : EU4H Project Grants
Grant agreement number : 101134907


3 years

Belgian partners

  • Sciensano (Sciensano)
  • Federal Public Service Public health, Food chain safety and Environment (BHTC)
  • Wallon Agency for Health, Social Protection, Disability and Family (AVIQ)
  • University of Gent (UGENT)
  • Catholic University of Leuven (KU LEUVEN)
  • Institute Jules Bordet ASBL (BORDET)