PartnERship to Contrast HPV
1 November 2022 - 31 August 2025

Cervical cancer is a highly preventable disease through HPV vaccination or cervical cancer screening. However, it still represents an important public health problem in poor countries where access to public health services is limited and screening and treatment for the disease have not been widely implemented. The PartnERship to Contrast HPV (PERCH) aims to contribute to European efforts to improve the spread of the HPV vaccine by European citizens by addressing different aspects.
Project description
The overall goal of PERCH (PartnERship to Contrast HPV) is to aid in the implementation of Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan. As a cornerstone in HPV Prevention in Europe, this plan aims to support Member States’ efforts to expand the roll-out of routine HPV vaccination in order to eliminate cervical cancer and other HPV-related cancers in the coming decade.
Specific objectives of PERCH include to improve:
Firstly, PERCH will scrutinize how participating countries are currently implementing and monitoring HPV vaccination and screening.
Secondly, they will investigate the reasons behind vaccination hesitancy. This step will enhance public knowledge and spotlight the vaccine’s benefits to target populations.
Thirdly, they offer training sessions focused on vaccination communication for healthcare professionals.
Lastly, before the Joint Action concludes, they will back Member States in rolling out large-scale HPV vaccination campaigns.
Specific objectives of PERCH include to improve:
- evidence on how HPV vaccination and HPV screening are implemented and monitored in all participating countries
- data and monitoring system on HPV vaccination and HPV screening
- HPV awareness
Funding programme & Type of Action
Funding Programme : EU4Health Programme (EU4H)
Type of Action : Joint action
Grant agreement number : 101075314
Project duration
30 months
Number of countries involved : 19
Number of participants : 34