Prostate cancer Awareness and Initiative for Screening in the European Union

PROTECT-EUROPE aims to eliminate HPV-related cancers through promotion, implementation and high uptake of gender-neutral HPV vaccination throughout the EU.
Project description
The PRAISE-U project’s objective is to decrease the occurrence of illness and death resulting from prostate cancer in European Union Member States by implementing intelligent early detection methods. In collaboration with a consortium, PRAISE-U strives to promote the timely identification and diagnosis of prostate cancer through personalized and risk-based screening programmes. The aim is to harmonize protocols and guidelines among Member States and facilitate the collection and dissemination of relevant data, ultimately leading to a reduction in prostate cancer morbidity and mortality rates in Europe.
The consortium’s efforts are complemented by their collaboration with iPAAC. The European Union (EU) has already provided guidance on screening for breast, cervical, and colorectal cancer, as demonstrated in projects like CanScreen 5 and EU-TOPIA. The PRAISE-U consortium aims to build on the knowledge gained from these other cancer indications, including the utilization of tools such as the systematic methodology of quality assurance developed by the Joint Research Centre (JRC), and apply it to prostate cancer. Furthermore, the consortium will benefit from the insights gained from ongoing EU-wide projects like PIONEER, OPTIMA, and EU-TOPIA, as well as the experiences of EMC and ERSPC. Our goal is to harmonize protocols and guidelines among member states within the European Union, facilitate efficient knowledge transfer, and address any existing knowledge gaps.
The primary objective of the project is to develop a cost-efficient algorithm for early detection of prostate cancer that can be customized to meet the specific requirements of each country. By doing so, the project aims to decrease the incidence of illness and death resulting from prostate cancer, while also minimizing the occurrence of incorrect diagnoses and unnecessary treatments.
Funding programme & Type of action
Funding Programme : EU4 Health Programme (EU4H)
Type of Action : Project Grant
Grant agreement number : 101101217
Project duration
3 years
Number of countries involved : 12
Number of participants : 25